The automotive industry is truly a worldwide business consisting of international multi-disciplinary functions in high-tech engineering, manufacturing, design, research and development, logistics, management & marketing and covers all areas of the seven continents, such as USA, Europe, Africa, Australia, and especially Asia, where in this decade all automotive concentration accounted for 60 % of global Automotive Industries.

As a key manufacturer hub in Asean, Thailand is positioned as a strategic exporting location for supplying the international automobile market. Thailand has a long history of well-established part and component suppliers with great infrastructure and an enabling business environment supported by political stability. The Thai government is employing policies that enable Thailand to be the “Detroit of Asia”, an automotive hub of the region, by encouraging investment and manufacturing, as well as other activities such as research and development. Several strategic plans are issued to fulfill this need.

With the strong growth of automotive industries in the region, the current and upcoming activities require engineers with multi-engineering knowledge and skills with international communication capability. The Automotive Design and Manufacturing, and Electric Vehicle Engineering (ADME-V) program offers a new dimension of multi-disciplinary courses profiling from automotive engineering, mechanical engineering, engineering design, manufacturing, regulation, electirc and autonomous vehicles, and management. Thailand is an automotive hub in the region. As manufacturing grows and other automotive activities such as design and development continue to grow, so will the demand of qualified engineers within the region. This international program will provide graduates with multi engineering knowledge and skills fit perfectly for much-needed automotive assemblers, part and component makers and other supporting industries. The ADME-V program has well established relationships with automobile manufacturers, and some of the classes are conducted along with them to fulfill students’ industrial expertise.

Students may choose to concentrate in the field which will benefit them most in the different engineering areas of the automotive industry ranging from automotive design to manufacturing. Besides the industrial career path, graduates may choose to pursue a higher degree in related fields.