Microsoft APAC Virtual AI for Accessibility Hackathon

14 Oct, 2020

Together, let’s harness the power of AI to amplify human capability, with and for the more than one billion people around the world with a disability!
On Friday, October 16, 2020, Microsoft APAC will kick-off a month of hacking with its first Virtual AI for Accessibility hackathon for our business partners, developers, start-ups and universities in 11 countries.

The goal is for teams to develop prototypes of AI solutions that can transform the daily life, employability and communication for people with disabilities.
Each team can include up to 5 members. Every team member is invited to register using this link.

You will help solve, ideate and hack on real problem statements identified by local nonprofit partners and government representatives provided on the website. Alternatively, participants may also address an accessibility challenge of their own.

The teams unearthing the best insight and developing the best solution prototypes will get a chance to get guidance from Microsoft to apply for an AI for Accessibility grant to bring their idea to reality along with other amazing prizes to be won.

The event will be covered on social media and be captured through a video that we will broadcast after the hackathon!